Since 2004 our company "Mototecha" has been developing milking systems that would be suitable and affordable for dairy farms of any size. A special emphasis is put on pasture based milking systems. Our company has developed a complete set of pasture based tandem type mobile milking parlours that allows the milking process to be done right in the pasture, where ever the cows graze. In the last few years this market has been rapidly growing. Many even bigger farms are moving from the conventional dairy farming to pasture based farming, because of better economic calculations, better welfare of the cows and also better work and life conditions for the farmer.
What do we offer:

04 / 2013
Anja und Janusz dairy, Neuer Weidemelkstand - Germany!
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Our equipment on the slopes of "Jung Frau" Switzerland !
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South Africa steps into organic dairy future – project in Johannesburg!
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Mobile milking system Mootech 6 – for the Spanish dairy !
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Mototecha milking system replaces robotic milking in Denmark!
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Mootech 4 parlour leaving from Chicago to Allen's farm in Massachusetts, USA
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Success at David and Sally dairy -in Australia!
About us
Back to Nature. Since 2004, Lithuania-based company Mototecha has developed cost-effective solutions for efficient mobile milking. Motech mobile parlour tandem systems follow cows wherever they graze and allow a dairy farmer to produce highest quality milk in fully hygienic, cow-friendly and safe manner. Our mission is to enable dairy farmers around the World to produce the highest quality milk in the most sustainable, natural and safest conditions to satisfy the highest quality standards and allow the lowest maintenance costs. We provide the shortest of all milking pipelines available in the industry and the easiest mobile milking systems for the most convenient and flexible use on a pasture or inside a cow barn. The result is: happy cows, happy dairy farmer and happy milk consumers.
To make dairy production enjoyable, Mototecha offers a wide range of mobile milking solutions for homesteads and dairy farms up 200 cows in one herd: various milking units, milk stainless steel tanks with and without cooling, energy-efficient vacuum units, automatic and manual washing systems and milk pumps. Motech mobile milking tandems can be integrated with the equipment of other well-known brands such as Milkline, DeLaval, GEA and InterPuls. Smart flexibility and prudent customization of mobile milking systems allow us at Mototecha meet any demands.
Why mobile?
Why mobile pasture based milking?
Pastured dairy cows are a must in organic agriculture and have been proven to produce the healthiest, most nutritious and Omega-3 rich milk. The happiest cows on this planet graze on beautiful pastures. A cow roaming without grazing just to be milked is a cow loosing milk per each kilometer walked. By following their dairy cows, most effective farmers produce more milk and better milk. Mototecha has made pasture-based milking easy and no-stress to both cows and the farmer with complete mobile milking system. Mootech mobile parlours have been designed for clean and efficient milking anywhere in the World, anywhere where happy cows graze.
Most organic dairy cows have the possibilities to go outside for a walk, or to graze a little around the farm base. Unfortunately, the herd gets too big too fast and then letting cows roam around becomes a challenge with many problems, such as: